For a duration of 6 months you will learn both the C and C++ programming languages.
C Syllabus
- Introduction: The history and origin of C, its features and applications, and execution flow.
- Basic concepts: Data types, variables, constants, identifiers, and input/output functions.
- Operators and expressions: Arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise operators.
- Control structures: If, while, for, do…while loops, goto, break, and continue statements.
- Functions and modular programming: How to create reusable code with functions.
- Arrays and strings: How to store multiple values with arrays.
- Pointers and memory management: How to use pointers in C.
- Structures and unions: How to use structures.
- File handling and 1/0 operations: How to read and write files.
C++ Syllabus
- Introduction to Classes and Objects: Classes in C++, class declaration, declaring objects, Defining Member functions, Inline member function, Array of objects, Objects as function argument, Static data member and member function, Friend function and friend class.
- Constructors and Destructors: Constructors, Instantiation of objects, Default constructor, Parameterized constructor, Copy constructor and its use, Destructors, Constraints on constructors and destructors, Dynamic initialization of objects.
- Operator Overloading: Overloading unary operators: Operator keyword, arguments and return value; overloading unary and binary operators: arithmetic operators, manipulation of strings using operators; Type conversions.
- Inheritance: Derived class and base class: Defining a derived class, Accessing the base class member, Inheritance: multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, hybrid; Virtual base class, Abstract class
- Virtual Functions and Polymorphism: Virtual functions, pure virtual functions; Polymorphism, Categorization of polymorphism techniques: Compile time polymorphism, Run time polymorphism
- File Handling: File classes, Opening and Closing a file, File modes, Manipulation of file pointers, Functions for I/O operations.