Pushpa Tandan
Name - Miss. Pushpa Tandan from Chattisgarh state. Age - 24 yrs as on 2017 Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA graduate) She joined the course in Sept-2016 and done…
Name - Miss. Pushpa Tandan from Chattisgarh state. Age - 24 yrs as on 2017 Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA graduate) She joined the course in Sept-2016 and done…
Name - Miss Komal Raju Sarve Age - 22years as on 2017 Komal Raju Sarve was 21 when she first approached Aryaloka Computer Education in Jan 2016, having heard about…
Batch: 2016 till continue. Name - Mrs. Shital Ramesh Sukhdeve Address - Empress Mill quarter no 104. Bezonbagh, Nagpur. Age - 25 yrs. Education - BA IInd year. Family members - 5…
Some photos of the workshop lead by Dhammachari Achala
The overwhelming ceremony of MS-CIT certificate distribution held in Aryaloka Computer Education By Dhammachari Akashamitra. The member of Karuna Trust from England. The students were really overwhelmed to receive their…
A fruitful workshop of Aryaloka staff members including the coordinators and Teachers of all branches held at Indora Branch Nagpur. It was led by Dhammchari Aryaketu. Aryaketu sir explained the…